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    Momentum Lafree E+ - Anthracite

    Momentum Lafree E+ - Anthracite


    Product description

    Explore neighborhood streets, ride for fitness, or ditch the car for your daily commute. LaFree E+ is a perfect introduction to the world of E-bikes. Designed for recreational riders, itlets you cruise up hills and cover longer distances in less time. The SyncDrive Life motor delivers 60Nm of smooth, quiet power that feels naturally in sync with your own pedaling. You can personalize it to your preferred riding style with an easy-to-use mobile app.LaFree’s step-through comfortdesign makes it easy to get on and off, and the lower, centralized motor position creates a balanced, stable ride quality. The EnergyPak is simple to charge on or off the bike with the included fast charger and any standard wall outlet. It delivers a long range of upto 65 miles on a single charge. Our RideControl One command center offers a simple, compact hand control interface that makes it easy to switch power modes, monitor batter levels,

    SizesS, R, L
    ColourAnthracite, Metallic Red
    FrameALUXX-grade aluminum, 1.125" head tube, low step, integrated KSA18 kickstand mount
    ForkALUXX-grade aluminum
    HandlebarAluminum Riser 25.4x690mm
    GripsMomentum dual compound
    StemAluminum angle adjustable 25.4x 90mm
    Seatpostalloy, 30.9mm
    SaddleMomentum Comfort
    ShiftersShimano Altus
    Front Der.N/A
    Rear Der.Shimano Altus, 8-speed
    BrakesTektro HD-M275, hydraulic, [F]160mm, [R]160mm
    Brake LeversTektro HD-M275
    CassetteShimano HG-200-8, 8-speed, 12x32
    ChainKMC X8 NP/NP
    Cranksetsteel 38t chain ring, 170mm
    Bottom BracketN/A
    RimsMomentum, 26 alloy, e-bike optimized
    HubsTracker Sport Disc
    TiresCST Metropolitan Palm Bay, 26x2.35"
    Extrasfenders, direct mount KSA18 trekking kickstand, alloy rear rack for carrier-mount battery


    E-Bike Specifications
    MotorSyncDrive Life, 60Nm, powered by Yamaha
    ControlsRideControl One ANT+, 5 power levels plus auto mode
    DisplayOptional ANT+ wireless display compatible
    BatteryEnergyPak 400Wh, alloy casing with highest safety standard (EN50604), CO2 neutral production
    ChargerEnergyPak 3A fast charger, 60% in 2:00h

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